What are your biggest turn ons or turn offs?

If you had one wish what would you wish for?
Gary Larson
I would wish for more wishes.
Jake Jensen
A nice car with a good looking girl in the passenger seat.
Jeff Nye
To be tall like my older brother Troy.
Kim Loftus
To move to Alabama.
Kristin Currie
A date with a guy with a fine wrangler butt.
Stacie Widdison
Two foot long eyelashes with stars on the end.
Mindi Muller
To have Cindi Crawford’s body.
Jed Handcock
I would be a forest ranger in the Tenton Mountains.
Jason Leak
I want glow in the dark socks.
Gary Larson
Nap time in school with
cookies and milk after.
What do you have planned for after graduation?

“Win Publishers Clearning House; buy the Chicago Bears football team; bring back Mike Ditka; get married and go for the world record of 68 children; then start a pottery business making my kids work real hard. for real cheap. Then, I will start a revolution against child labor laws and become even richer.”

“I’ll move back to Africa and open the world’s largest car lot and sell Land Rovers, just like my dad.”

“I’m going to get married, move to Idaho and have 12 kids. Then, join the Marines and get a tattoo.”
What are your biggest turn ons or turn offs?

Sarya Konecny (Left), adds a turn off is when people are disrespectful to those around them and especially women in their lives.

If you had one wish what would you wish for?
Dru Goedicke Probably a brand new car, a Honda accord something simple.
Spencer Fausett More wishes.
Journey Echeverria
Professionally done hair extensions.
Micheal Durrant
To not have epilepsy anymore.
Kelly Bingham
To have service at school.
Ella Jones
Bison. I want a herd of pet bison.
Cambria Burton Warm weather year round.
Jed Handcock
I would be a forest ranger in the Tenton Mountains.
Cooper Jolley
All the money in the world.Nap time in school with
cookies and milk after.
Jaydon Walker
Endless intelligence.
Aaron Woodland
For life to give me the right lemons,
so I can make orange juice.
What do you have planned for after graduation?

“I’m going on a mission and I’ll come back and go to college to be a heart surgeon hopefully. Dude I wanted to be a heart surgeon since like 5th grade. I already got my call Im going to the alpines German speaking, I’m super excited It will be a good time, I leave august 19th.”

“To take in our family’s company business and to make it more world wide. I am a refrigeration person, I fix storage refrigerators so like Kent’s I put them all in, did them all. My family has been doing that since 1955.”

“I’m going to go on a mission and then after that some schooling and get a job hopefully in sales. I don’t really have a preference for where I want to go on my mission. I just really want to speak Spanish. I just think it’s going to be super helpful, that’s always been a language I wanted to learn.”