HOSA: the club for future leaders in medicine

By: Isabel Rice

HOSA, Health Occupation Students of America, is a club for students interested in health careers such as nursing, physical therapy, dentistry, and many more. The club is a great way to get to know other students and gain traction in the medical world. 

Ms. Harlan, a HOSA advisor, says, “the purpose is to expose students to opportunities in the health science field, so speakers, service projects, competition, skills, things like that.” 

HOSA runs events and activities all year, encouraging students to get involved. 

Competitions run by HOSA are a great way to gain recognition and experience in the medical field. There are so many competitions to choose from, over 40! 

Students can compete in team or solo competitions and choose between knowledge exams, skill competitions, health education, debate, poster making, research, and more. 

Hannah Holly, student HOSA president says, “I love challenging myself in competitions and learning more about the medical field.” 

Skills learned in HOSA activities are ones you will carry with you your whole life. 

Students who join can become part of CERT, the Community Emergency Response Team. With this knowledge, students are ready to assist in school or community disasters; learning search and rescue skills, completing CPR certification, and practicing the steps of shock recovery. 

Joining HOSA looks great on resumes and college applications! The club is nationally recognized, students interested in applying for medical programs can benefit from joining. 

Fremont HOSA is run by Doug Kap, Shanon Iseminger and Kelly Harlan. Over 30 students have joined HOSA this year, and the club is always open for new members. 

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