With the new school year, there are new students, new teachers, and admins that all have a story to tell and where they came from.
There are some that came back, for some this is their first year teaching, and others have moved from student at Fremont High to a teacher here, and here are their stories, with a little random question to get to know the teachers a little better.

The first of the new Fremont High staff is Ms. Spell, the new computer science teacher. Ms.Spell started as a student here at Fremont High and now teaches computer science adn coaches the Esports team as well. This is Ms.Spells’ first year teaching and came straight back home to Fremont. She has been welcomed back by the great administrators and students. She loves to see the creativity of her students and what they can do during her class. Ms.Spell top 3 survival items are Water purifier, a tent, and a knife

Up next is Ms. Call, one of our new English teachers. Ms.Call graduated from BYU Idaho, and did her student teaching at Wahlquist. Ms. Call loves the Weber School District and found that love at Fremont. Ms.Call has had a wonderful experience here at Fremont so far, the English department has been really helpful with her, and her students have been very great. Ms.Calls’ top 3 survival items are Non-perishable food, Some sort of water purifier, Some type of tool or weapon to defend herself.

Next in the line of our new English teachers is Ms. Tervort. Ms.Tervort came from Rocky Mountain Jr. High and was actually referred to this school by another teacher here, Ms.Jorgensen, who made it seem very appealing to come to Fremont high. Ms.Tervort’s experience here at Fremont High has been an adjustment because of the fact that she has been used to teaching younger kids,but she has been getting used to it and it has been enjoyable for her. When asked about her top 3 survival items, Tervort answered without hesitation: a metal baseball bat, waterproof matches, and a tent.

Now we have Fremont’s new FACS teacher, Ms. Thomas. This is Ms.Thomas’s first year of teaching, and she is having a good time here at Fremont. This was a good job opportunity for her, she says the people here are cool and it is a pretty good location. Her experience has been very good, there are lots of good people to work with and her students are also good as well. Now for the random question we change it up a bit. Ms.Thomas’s movie or show that she keeps rewatching is The Princess Bride.

Tristan Reeder is the new band teacher at Fremont this year. Mr.Reeder came from Canyon View Middle School. He saw that there was a job opening at Fremont as the new band teacher, and Fremont was home for Mr.Reeder, and he was ready to come back home. It has been awesome so far for Mr.Reeder, he seems to have found students here who are actually ready to learn. Mr.Reeders’ show that he loves to keep rewatching is Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Now for our new administrators:
First up is Mr. Raymond, one of the new assistant principals. Mr.Raymond was transferred from Weber Innovation High school as one of the new assistant principals. Mr.Raymond used to teach here at Fremont high a long time ago, and he is happy to come back to see some of the old teachers, and has had an awesome experience and it has a great feel to it for him. Mr.Raymonds’ favorite family vacation has to be the Redwoods in California.

Our next new vice principal at Fremont is Ms. Fredrickson. Ms. Fresrickson was transferred from Rocky Mountain Jr. High. Ms.Fredrickson has had an awesome time at Fremont so far. The students have been really good to work with, and the teachers are very welcoming. Ms.Fredricksons’ favorite family vacation is in Hawaii. In her experience, nothing has beat Hawaii.

And last but not least, our new student advocate, Hannah Blanch. Ms.Blanch was at Weber High for two years before she came back home to Fremont. Ms.Blanch also attended Fremont High as a student before she came back as a student advocate. One of the things she loves about being here is that her commute to Fremont is very short compared to Weber high. Also, she says it has been great here and she loves it. Her students, the counselors, and the other student advocates have been great to work with. Also her little brother goes here, so it’s fun for her to tease him from time to time. Ms.Blanch’s favorite family vacation, while “it might sound boring”, is Oregon. She and her family love going to the Oregon west coast and enjoying the activities there.
And with that, there are all of our new teachers, advocates, and administrators this year at Fremont high, so make sure to give them a big welcome. They are valued and appreciated for their roles.