This year cross country at Fremont have been working hard since their first practice all they way up to October 25 UHSAA State XC Championship for their final meet.
Cross Country October 4 Regionals Maylin undell Cambelle Herdcastle Annie Christensen. Cross Country October 4 Regionals camden morril Cross Country October 4 Regionals Hadley Hanson from Fremont. Cross Country October 4 Regionals Braden Poll Taken by Nicole Nitz
This year’s season best for the men’s was Johnny Poulson with 12:06.4 for a 2-mile set on Aug 25. Simon Peterson 15:31.4 on Aug 20 for a 3-Mile. Simon Peterson 15:36.7 set on September 17 for a 5,000-meters run.
Women’s best for this year is Megan Christensen with 15:32.3 set on Aug 25 for a 2-mile run. Taylee Richards for 19:31.3 on Aug 20 for a 3-mile run. Taylee Richards for 19:58.1 for the 5,000-meters run on October 25.