By Nicole Nitz
Fremont’s Drone Class Offers Skills for Everyone
Have you ever wanted to learn a skill that will apply to many jobs? Fremont’s Drone Class might be something worth taking.
Learning how to fly and take footage with drones might be the choice for you. Mr.Smith, the drone class teacher, said that one of his friends learned the skills and was hired by realtors in Jamaica to take video of this great real estate with a drone that was an all paid visit for him, plus five thousand dollars for the actual job.

It’s a one semester course that will allow you to learn basics and the law’s to legally use drones. He states, “These classes are primarily male dominated, but we encourage more females to join.”
Taking this class allows for more opportunities in life as technology becomes more common amongst many jobs. It can help in fields such as real estate and photography. It may not be required yet in these fields, but soon it will be. It will provide students with an edge in competition for their various fields and give them more of an advantage.
Students who have participated in this class stated that it’s also just a good class to take for anyone who wants to buy and use their own drone. Students learned about the many topics covered in class, like the laws with flying and with taking videos and pictures. The class also allows the basics of drone flying , drills, and fundamental skills.
One of their favorite experiences was when they had to fly and save a dummy. They did this in order to replicate one of many jobs drones provide.Their least favorite thing in drone class was the state test, but even that wasn’t too bad since it didn’t affect their final grade. This class is great for students who learn hands-on. It provides many opportunities to do so.
Since this is the first year of this class, there is no Drone Class Two. This class only counts as CE/Elective credit, but they’re working on trying to get credit to be a technical/CTE credit as well. Many students said this class was one of their favorites and would take drone class two if it was offered.
If you want to join the fun in Drone Class, talk to your counselor about taking this course next year, or see Mr. Smith in Room (B103)