The Esports team has been around for a year now, and things are getting serious
Esports is a club students can join here at Fremont playing Mario Kart 8, Rocket League, Super Smash Bros., and League of Legends. The Esports team has no control over what games get approved; approved games are all based on Weber School District standards. They have to screen the games for guns and adult content.
Jonathan Edwards, a junior, said “If we had things like shooters (people had joined just for Rocket League, that was it), they wouldn’t think about playing any other games. So if we had more variety, more people would join.”
Our team has been playing in competitions since last year, but have been going to more competitions district-wide and some state-wide events sponsored by Ken Garff, with their most recent one being December 16th.
These competitions take schools from our district and compete at the highschools. None of these events have been hosted at Fremont but they want to host events in the future. You can bring your own controllers at your own risk. But if you don’t want to bring your own they will have controllers and keyboards provided for you.
Esports is an all inclusive environment. No one is there to judge.
Sophomore Ike Woodbury, from the Smash Bros. team, said, ” Everyone in Esports is pretty positive with each other.”
Jonathan Edwards, a sophomore, also stated, “Most students seem to fit in, there are no arguments or beef with each other, everyone is just big nerds and we are here to play.”
Ryan Boren, a senior, said “I think the Esports is good this year a lot more engagement but one thing we suffer from is we still don’t have headsets, so we’re screaming across the room for callouts and stuff, so I think it’s a good future if we got more funding, but if not it will be mediocre at best really.”
The Esport team is looking for new people if they are good or if they are bad. Mr. Rhodes said “we are looking for quantity over quality.” He wants to be able to bring more teams to events whether they are experienced or not.
Esports getting ready to leave for competition.
Esports is every Tuesday and Thursday after school in B209, so stop by and see what it is all about. Even if you don’t know how to play they would be so excited to teach you or even have new faces to hangout and talk with.
Hi Jack! Thanks for the article. Let me just make a quick correction:
Esports is in room B209.
We are gearing up for Spring season. Watch for the announcement coming soon!
Jack your article was really great. Esports doesn’t really get any recognition and your article did very well at bringing me in and learning more about Esports. Your article was really fun to read and learn about our Esports team.