Let’s get you a date!
High School prom is an event every kid knows and anticipates from the time they are 10. The filming industry has placed this image in young adolescents’ heads from the beginning, Disney channel, Nickelodeon, and even Harry Potter has its own ball.
The excitement is enough to be overwhelmed by , but considering asking an individual to accompany you is a good place to start.
Now, no one is required to have a date at the prom, though it does make the event a little more memorable when it is shared with someone you have personally chosen. This dance is technically a boys choice event, however anyone can ask anyone, so gentlemen, women, and everyone, start getting creative, and here is how:
Utah seems to have a tradition of the way to ask someone to a dance. For some reason, we have all chosen the ask and dash tactic of the process. Make a poster with a corny pun or saying that asks the person to the dance, leave candy or an item with it, drop it off at the date’s front door, knock, and run!

How to do this? It is way simpler than it might seem. Once you have the person in mind, get their favorite treat and make a saying out of it that ends in… Prom? It does not have to be perfect, but fellas let’s try and make it readable for the ladies please. If her favorite treat is something like sour patch kids then you might say, “Prom would be sour without you… Prom?”
If she prefers savory popcorn you could write, “I might sound corny, but I just popped by to ask you to prom.”

There are a lot of possibilities for this teenage tradition, some go above and beyond and ask with live animals. Picture a goat standing with a sign that reads, “Prom will be the GOAT if you go with me!”
You may even take it a step further and ask in a costume that relates to the poster, maybe even ask with a present like tickets to the lantern festival in salt lake.
The person you choose to ask does not have to be a significant other. Asking a close friend or friend of a friend will result in just as great of a time, if not better. It is hard to mess up the enjoyment of the dances, getting all dolled up for the event makes it difficult to be angry.
It’s very easy to propose a fun dance for a cute girl you like, and if you follow the simple poster formula, I can guarantee you’ll get a Snapchat post with you tagged. Good luck guys!