The National Art Honors Society is a club here at Fremont High that is nationally recognized. Members have the opportunity for honor cords. It also looks really good on college applications. This is an opportunity for art students to have a safe place to learn new skills. To join, students first need to talk to the art teachers, and it has a $35 fee. That fee pays for supplies, honor cords and activities.
Senior NAHS President, Hailey Allens, says, “Art Night is just where you get to come into Montierth art room, have access to all of her supplies, there is music and food and you just can come and sit on your work. You can socialize with people if you want.”
NAHS also collaborates with the Ag Systems class. Every semester the Ag Systems class builds two or three chicken coops per semester. NAHS then painted them.
NAHS advisor, Montierth said, “We’ll be painting chicken coops again this year. I think the chicken coops were amazing. We painted chicken coops last year for the [Ag Systems] class. We got to be outside painting with big brushes and paint. Got to be really creative. I thought they were really fun”
NAHS has an Art Night every first Thursday of the month. It is open to any students to go into Montierth room (A-104) and work on their art projects and hang out with friends. Along with the open night, if you join the club, every third Thursday they do either a service project or other fun art activities. In November on the 17th NAHS painted ornaments for a local retirement home and took them there in the beginning of December. In January, the next service project is tentatively planned for the 19th.
If you are interested in NAHS, you can talk to Montierth in her classroom in A-104.