The Silverwolf’s representation remains strong!
Fremont High School has been up and active since 1994, and our mascot has been howling just as long. Our school’s chosen mascot meant to represent the facility and community is the mighty silverwolf.
Choosing the wolf was an unanimous decision by a committee before the school even opened according to Mr. Erisoty, an auto teacher who has worked at Fremont since it opened. John C Fremont was the original inspiration for representation of the school, but it got outvoted with the idea of our silverwolf.
David Jackson with his sculptures in the Commons. David Jackson with his sculpture outside Fremont.
The most well known form of portrayal of the Silverwolf in our school is the sculptures placed in the middle of the commons. They were a gift to the school given by the senior class of 1999. Fremont students love and utilize these wolves as the most popular meeting spot and even photo site in the building. David Jackson, an artist who has many pieces of work throughout Utah and more, was asked to do these wolves and was delighted to take on the project.
Jackson has been pursuing art ever since the young age of 12 and even taught art and pottery at Bonneville High School. He has many familiar famous works including: The eagle painting at Walquist, ship paintings inside commons of Bonneville, some of the Union Station art along the walls, Fremont High School’s wolves sculpture, Roy Highschool’s lion sculpture, the Weber State Bobcat sculpture, etc.
Considering his, at the time, current career of teaching Jackson was more than happy to take on the sculpture of our strapping wolves. He even decided to engage in the work of this gift from the seniors inside his own classroom to inspire some of his own students.
“The really cool thing about stuff I do for schools is they were all done while I was teaching so it was a teaching experience for the kids to see and kids gotta watch that happen.” Jackson explained.
Dave in the process of sculpting outside wolf. Dave painting in his art studio.
The famous artist understood the importance of harmony that a school tries hard throughout the years to build. Even if it was as Jackson says, “just a piece of art,” he knew the meaning behind it was deeper for everyone who admired the model he had constructed. In fact, that was the most exhilarating aspect for him engaging into this design.
“The best part is to be able to have an influence, and impact, on somebody anyway you can. If I can do that with my art and share it with the school and have an impact on a whole school? Holy Moly, that is great! It’s neat to be able to share that. I am fortunate I had opportunities in schools that would like my art enough to let me share.”
Panorama of Dave Jacksons Studio.
The history of Fremont’s ferocious Silverwolf is important. Though it is the pride and unity the resemblance of a “pack” has continued to bring that provides it to stand tall and create an influence across the students and community of our school.