We asked some students about their school experiences with impactful teachers. Here is what they said:
Alivia Stewart – Mr. Anderson

-”he pulled me aside and talked to me about how I improve in choir and helped me one on one. He talked to me about how I’m really great and I could go really far.in the musical area. He told me how I could improve on vocal things.
Sophia Nicholson – Mrs. Swanson

– last year she remembered my birthday and christmas and gave me little gift cards and books, and i have a thing I do with all the teachers Where I give them books and she was like no you don’t need to that. and I got her one for her birthday and she felt so bad. She was like, oh, you didn’t need to do that.because she remembers all of them.
Kaitlyn Hull – Art teachers

We were on a skills USA competition in Salt Lake City and at that time we were waiting for the first part of the competition to start and the art teachers miss Hall and misa Montierth, they needed to get stuff for prizes, I guess, from the dollar store and so we went with them and yeah I’ve never been shopping with a teacher before. They bought us some candy that was nice of them. I think what made it most memorable is that you never get that close to a teacher to just go shopping with them.
Genevieve Cannon – Ms. Jorgensen

My memorable moment was with miss Jay, she is the best English teacher in this building, the last day of school 10th grade I was hanging out in her room, and I was like, ’So, there’s this guy. Should I ask for his number?’ And she was like, ‘yep, do it.’ She kept egging me on, but it all worked out. We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary!