Go to school store order?
A. No order
B. Cookies
C. Fun Food Friday
D. Hoodie
If your life was a song what would it be ?
A. Life is a highway
B. All I want for christmas is you
C. No music
D. We are Family
Which hallway do you identify with?
A. C Hall
B. Library Hall
C. B Hall Downstairs
D. B Hall Upstairs
What was your weirdest phase ?
A. Pogs
B. Dweeb
C. No weird phase
D. Rebel Phase
Go to Fizz, Sugar Rush order ?
A. Never Been
B. Diet Dr.Pepper
C. No drink, Cookie
D. Pepperlata (Dr.Pepper, Coconut, Whipped Cream, Pineapple)
Last thing you Googled ?
A. Genograms
B. Utah Christmas activities
C. Pumpkin soup recipe
D. Sundresses
If you could go on a road trip anywhere, where would you go ?
A. Canada
B. Pacific Northwest
C. South Carolina
D. Church history tour