Trying to choose between CE and AP classes is hard, here’s some information that could help.
Fremont high offers two different options for accelerated courses, CE (Concurrent Enrollment) and AP (Advanced Placement) Classes. Since both options are offered for similar classes, it can be confusing and frustrating to try to pick which one to take.
What’s the difference?
Ce classes are college classes that are offered through high school. This means that students in CE classes are dual-enrolled in both college and high school. Most of Fremont’s concurrent classes are done through Weber State, so while in High School students can apply and be accepted to Weber State and take classes for a fraction of the cost.
AP classes are nationwide classes that are created and monitored by the organization College Board. These classes offer college-level work and tests. If students pass the AP test at the end of the year, they are awarded college credit.
One of the main differences between AP and CE classes is that in a CE class college credit is awarded as long as a passing grade is kept. For AP classes the exam has to be passed in order to get college credit.

What about the cost?
If money is an issue, CE is probably the way to go because even though it does cost $30 to apply to Weber State, that only has to be done once and the classes only average about $15. Usually, textbooks are an extra cost, but past students resell used books for CE classes at a relatively low cost on many different platforms like facebook, instagram, KSL, etc., so be on the look out or talk to people who have already taken the class.
AP classes are a bit more expensive, the AP test itself costs $96. Though if a 3, 4, or 5 is received on the test, college credit can be awarded so the cost is incredibly cheap when compared to tuition and class fees in college. However, it is possible to take the whole class and hold a passing grade, then fail the test, in which case high school credit is the only thing that could be awarded. For that reason, people who struggle with test taking and/or test anxiety should either not take AP classes, or take the class for high school credit and not pay for or take the test at the end of the year. For those people, CE is probably a better choice.
What are the options at Fremont?
Fremont High’s website lists all the CE and AP classes taught at Fremont. As the website shows, Fremont offers more CE classes than AP classes, so with more concurrent enrollment options, it makes sense to take those classes over AP. However, since CE classes are primarily through Weber State, sometimes those credits won’t transfer to out-of-state colleges. If a student plans to attend an out-of-state college, it would be more beneficial to take AP classes because they are run by a nationwide organization and the credits will transfer anywhere.
Most colleges and universities allow AP scores to be counted for a similar credit to their own courses, but each school is able to choose what those credits are. This means that depending on what college a student attends, AP scores can count for more or less than a different institution. That’s another thing to keep in mind when choosing whether to take CE or AP classes.

What do students and teachers think?
Mr. Mildon, a teacher at Fremont High who teaches CE English classes, explained that in most cases CE classes are more beneficial. He stated that if a student plans to go to Weber State for college, they should most definitely take CE classes. He then said that almost any other college or university in Utah will take those CE credits. Another reason that CE is ranked above AP in his opinion is that CE classes are less complex to pass. As long as you keep a passing grade you can receive your college credit. For AP classes you have to pass the AP test at the end of the year, and because of that, Mr. Mildon recommends concurrent enrollment classes over advanced placement courses.
From someone who has taken 4 AP classes and 7 CE classes, I’ve enjoyed taking both types of classes. On average, my CE classes were easier than the AP classes, and they were definitely less stressful, especially when it came time to take the AP tests. Since more CE classes are offered than AP, it is easier to take those, but I would recommend taking a mix of both if you want to take Advanced classes. The way these classes are taught are different, and because I’ve taken both types of classes, I feel more prepared for college.
Overall, the decision to take CE or AP classes is a personal decision, and what’s best varies person to person. Before taking either, make sure to speak to a counselor, and it would be beneficial as well to speak to the teacher who will be teaching the class. Past students are also great resources, though sometimes it’s important to take what they say with a grain of salt, as High School Students tend to exaggerate things. Probably the best thing to do to decide would be to look at the requirements and how the college you plan to attend deals with transferring credit. It can also be helpful to look at websites like Utah Transfer Guide that help students move credits from one college to another. That will be a great resource to figure out which type of advanced class is best for each individual to take. Whichever course you choose to take will be helpful in preparing for college, just be sure to keep in contact with your teachers and counselors. Good Luck!