Brooklyn Jolley is going all over the world for her skills in gymnastics!

The talents here at Fremont can be endless and quite impressive. We have mountain bikers, track stars, academic excelling individuals, and even award winning gymnasts being Brooklyn Jolley. It is astounding the skills that fly through our halls every day.
Brooklyn has been doing gymnastics for many years and has fallen in love with it from the beginning. It was an instant connection with the sport when she started attempting tumbling with somersaults and cartwheels just in her own home at the age of 3. This caught her parents’ eye, so they put her in her first real tumbling class. Ever since then she has just gone farther and farther in her technique as well as opportunities.
Competitions out of the country were offered to her in a matter of time. Brooklyn attended nationals in June of last year and ended up placing first which then led her to making the junior national team. After this she started traveling for Worlds. She visited Sofia, Bulgaria, as well as Rimini, Italy, placing high in both competitions.

All of these competitions create a lot of memories. Brooklyn says her most memorable comp was when she was in Bulgaria, ¨Me and my teammates roomed together and got to meet a ton of amazing new people.¨ These competitions aren’t always sunshine and rainbows, there is a lot of stress built into achieving them.
The process for prep starts very early on. Routines are built in the gym that are repeated frequently till the event.
Jolley explained how brutal the training is in advance, ¨We have to start a long time in advance at the gym to practice passes, each day is more intense and consistent with trying to get them looking cleaner.¨
Nerves are something every athlete struggles with, a world competing gymnast dealing with them on the floor is a little tricky. To try and cope with the pressure, Brooklyn looks on the bright side before every pass, picturing herself succeeding rather than failing. ¨I remember how far I have come, and how I have done this exact pass before in the gym already,¨ she says.
Talent like Brooklyn Jolley’s is not something seen commonly. Our Silverwolves continue to inspire us every day.
Very great article on a very great girl. Very well written and very interesting and not boring. I think the author did a great job at keeping the reader entertained and covered everything very well.